Welcome to the new Journeycats!
ONE high rank per person, only people I know well though.
I'm so sorry, though we are usually good with rules, please no name ending with -wing
Make as many chars as u want BUT must play them at least everyother day, unless something happens (vacation, death, etc)
INVITE MORE PPL how else will we get better?
Must have a real warrior name, (eg NO cheetofoot, Alfonzoheart, Catilacfeet, Computernerd, or any non cat name!)
<3 Thornwing


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No New Posts Adopt a Cat [recommended!]

Adopt another persons spare cat! One that needs to be played again soon!

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No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: Lauren-thornwing

2 4 Information/Rules
by Bear
Dec 18, 2012 18:59:29 GMT -5
No New Posts MAKE A CAT

Make a cat here, or return from the old board. Post its name, looks, age, clan, rank (only one high rank per person, must be well known by me), blah blah blah. Pic would be nice too

1 3 Twigs Cat
by Lauren-thornwing
Feb 4, 2009 1:21:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Ask, suggest, comment!

Ask anything, comments welcome, concerns?, anything u need!

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No New Posts Padding Off...

A death distracting you away fro awhile? Have to go on vacation? School a little busy at the moment? Leaving for good?? Just post here and say good bye!

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Thunder Clan

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No New Posts Thunder Clan Camp

This is the stone hollow where Thunder Clan live. Protected by steep stones on the sides.

Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Warriors: Acornwing,

Prey: Mice, Shrew, Voles, Birds, and Rabbit
The Clan: Strong and brave, tolerant of most cats and accepting. Stronger and more muscular than most cats

by Lauren-thornwing
Dec 5, 2008 2:38:59 GMT -5
No New Posts The Forest and Thunder Clan Territory

The forest where hunting takes place also training, but borders aren't far off. PLease take patrols out regularly!

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No New Posts The Abandoned Twoleg Nest

This is a very old Twoleg nest, there isn't even a wiff of them here! Catmint grows near here, the only supply there is, and it provides hunting for rats, and shelter!

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Wind Clan

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No New Posts Wind Clan Camp

Wind Clan's camp located on the gusty windy moors!

Leader: Maplestar
Deputy: Twigtail
Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:

Prey: Mainly Rabbits and Ground birds
The Clan: Swift and loyal, faster and sleeker than most cats

by Lauren-thornwing
Dec 5, 2008 18:52:09 GMT -5
No New Posts The Windy Moors

Beside the lake, hills spread over the landscape, home of Wind Clan! They chase down prey [rabbits] on the windy grassy moors. They also take patrols to hunt and check borders. Training's done here too.

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No New Posts The Tunnels

Though Thunder Clan knows about them too, Wind Clan has a habit of using them. To hide, creep, or hang out, these cats can conceal it behind some brambles. When it rains, the tunnels flood, and a cat can drown.

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River Clan

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No New Posts River Clan Camp

River Clan's camp in between the fork of a river. Protected by the river, also swim and catch fish there too.

Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Warriors: Thornwing, Falconwing,

Prey: Mainly fish and sometimes shrew, mice, and voles
The Clan: Sleek and graceful, have a liking to swimming and fishing

by Lauren-thornwing
Dec 5, 2008 18:53:10 GMT -5
No New Posts The Marshy Land by the Rivers

This is the land used to grow most herbs like catmint and horsetail. Hunting is done by catching fish in the river though. Training is done here along with minor hunting. Patrols are also sent out.

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No New Posts The Greenleaf Twolegplace

Where twolegs only come in the spring. Though there is really no use to this place, herbs grow near it more than anywhere else.

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Shadow Clan

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No New Posts Shadow Clan Camp

The camp's located inside a barrier of brambles and thorns in a pine tree forest. It's dark and foggy here.

Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Warriors: Koiwing,

Prey: Frogs, lizards, rats, mice, birds, and sometimes carrion.
The Clan: Sly, mysterious (they are NOT usually evil), have better night hunting abilities than most cats.

by Lauren-thornwing
Dec 5, 2008 18:54:09 GMT -5
No New Posts The Pine Forest

A deep gloomy forest covered by dark looming pine trees. Their needles cover the floor and make good hunting and training. Herbs grow along the tree roots. Patrols head out of the deeper forest to watch the borders.

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No New Posts Forest Greenleaf Twolegplace

Twolegs come here only during greenleaf, but on the plus side, they leave food. It's similar to the Carrion Place at the old forest. Herbs grow along its borders.

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Outside Clan Territory...

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No New Posts The Gathering Island

The Clan Cats meet here every full moon in peace and discuss current issues and events. Don't give anything vital away though!!

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No New Posts Moon Pool

MEDICINE CATS must come here every half moon to share dreams with Starclan. You DO NOT have to have a dream that is epic every single time. It can be a peaceful talk with an ancestor or a walk in a peaceful place.

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No New Posts Star Clan

The ancestors of the cats alive still that create prophecies and watch out for the clans...


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No New Posts Dark Forest

Where cats undeserving of watching their ancestors go. It's like a dark forest that once a cat enters, it cannot leave. Its gloomy and scary here.


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No New Posts Loner Lands

Where banished cats go (please don't make a random loner cat unless it has clan history or will join a clan). Like (eg Tigerstar) when he was banished, he left clan territory.


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